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Frequently Asked Questions
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16 FAQs matched your search criteria.
Can I make a payment over the phone or in-person at residency?
Can the late payment fee be reversed?
Do I need to request a 1098-T?
Do I qualify for a refund if I withdraw from CU due to H1B approval?
Do you charge a fee if I use my debit or credit card to pay my tuition?
How can I make a payment without an additional fee?
How can I make my tuition payment?
I am missing some of the payment method options. I am unable to see the bank account payment method option in TigerNet.
I can’t pay online, it says I don’t have access or there is an error.
I received a RFE (request for evidence via USCIS) and need proof of my tuition payment?
If I don’t pay my tuition fees on time, will I have to pay a late fee?
I’ve opened a ticket to withdraw, but I still have not received any information about my refund? How long does the process take?
I’ve paid my fees but I still have a hold.
I’ve paid my fees, but the CPT charge is not reflecting on my student account.
What does the program cost per term?
What is the University’s payment policy?
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